Towards an “agro-ecological land use” scenario in Tunisia in 2050

Published : Wednesday 11 October 2017

IPEMED is pleased to announce the release of an article written by Marie de Lattre-Gasquet (CIRAD), Clémence Moreau (CIRAD), Mohamed Elloumi (INRAT) et Leïth Ben Becher (Synagri) in the OCL Journal, on July 2017.

Entitled “Towards a scenario “Agro-ecological land use for diversified and quality food and a localized food system” in Tunisia in 2050”, this article mentions the last report prepared by Jean-Louis RASTOIN and Hassan BENABDERRAZIK and published by IPEMED in 2014.


At the initiative of the National Agronomic Research Institute of Tunisia (INRAT) and the Agrimonde-Terra team, and with the Tunisian Farmers' Union (Synagri), a workshop on land use and food security in Tunisia in 2050 took place in March 2015. About 20 participants from public, para public organizations and from civil society discussed for two days and constructed four scenarios using the results of the Agrimonde-Terra foresight process. These scenarios include one directed towards agro-ecological practices. We explain here the method used to build the scenarios as well as the consequences of the “Agro-ecological uses of land and food quality”, scenario for land use and food security. We show the trends that favor this trajectory and those which do not. We describe the impact trajectory of the foresight process.

Click here to view the full article.

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