IPEMED - Activity Report 2016 : 10 years building together the Mediterranean world of tomorrow

Published : Tuesday 25 July 2017

2016 was a great year for IPEMED as it celebrated its 10 years of existence. Indeed, since its creation, the Euro-Mediterranean think-tank I founded has been working to bring together the two shores of the Mediterranean through the economy. A necessary objective via a new approach in order to shape a common future in the region.

Since 2006, we have always offered, in all circumstances and on all subjects of our work programme, an inclusive, transversal and multi-disciplinary approach. Over 10 years, we mobilised hundreds of experts, business managers and politicians from both shores of the Mediterranean.

In 2016, IPEMED focused on the implementation of four strong ideas:


For IPEMED, regionalisation is a key concept that will help regulate global economic exchanges. Between deregulated globalisation and return to protectionism, we believe that there is an intermediary level made up of great global regions, such as the EU, NAFTA, etc. Taking advantage of geographic proximity, complementarity and solidarity among neighbouring countries, as are Northern and Southern countries, is an asset in global competition. Europe must “go South” and Africa can benefit from this new “win-win” partnership with its North, all the more so as the region appears as a relevant regulation and exchange space for emerging countries that are willing to access the international market.


For IPEMED, coproduction is the most developed and sustainable form of economic relations. Coproduction in the Mediterranean is an industrial model based on the complementarities of the region’s countries and on the development of value and production chains.

Therefore, our goal was to highlight the shared benefits of this model, that enables companies from different countries to shift from a commercial logic to a partnership approach, involving shared added value, technology transfer and shared risks.

Local distribution channels

IPEMED is aware that local distribution channels are emerging in a certain number of sectors (food, energy, finance), thanks to the development of adapted technologies. Therefore, the Institute seeks to study these local-scale dynamics. Local distribution channels, territorialised agri-food systems, circular economy, etc. all show the populations’ will to improve their daily lives and their adaptation to global changes.

Digital revolution

The digital revolution offers IPEMED the possibility to play its role of catalyst and intermediary between the two shores of the Mediterranean, and between economic, scientific and political actors, among others. In this age of collaboration, the Institute intends to connect and initiate a dialogue between communities or entrepreneurial ecosystems, through collaborative platforms. In 2016, we published a report on e-commerce in Africa, and we will carry on this research field in 2017.

We are proud of our achievements and thanks to our experience on the field, in 2016 we were able to focus on specific subjects, to look deeper into innovative ideas and to establish ourselves as a leader in certain fields. For example, in July 2016 IPEMED published a report on micro-algae and their potential contribution to the region’s sustainable development, a topic that echoes the COP21 and COP22 and that had been very little studied until then.

In addition to being present to the various highlights of the region, we relaunched our Mediterranean and African breakfasts in partnership with BpiFrance and La Tribune. Our first event took place on 4th October, on Industrialisation in North Africa (from Morocco to Egypt).

On 8th December 2016, IPEMED also opened its first branch abroad: IPEMED TUNISIA. It aims to carry out in-depth analyses of foreign investors’ behaviour and of the promising sectors for coproduction and to favour the development of partnerships between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

In 2017, IPEMED is willing to keep carrying out its mission of bringing together the two shores of the Mediterranean through the economy. However, this objective must now be open to Africa. We now see the future through a foundation Africa- Mediterranean-Europe, called La Verticale.

“We now see the future through a foundation Africa-Mediterranean-Europe, called La Verticale.”


 Jean-Louis Guigou, President of IPEMED



Table e of contents





  • Coproduction: context, achievements and perspectives in the Mediterranean
  • Committing to sustainable development in the two shores of the Mediterranean
  • Rural sustainable development through innovation
  • E-commerce as a lever of regional integration
  • La Verticale: a unique vision Africa-Mediterranean-Europe


  • Our teams
  • Our visibility
  • Our partners and members
  • Our funding
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