EMCC Forum - 2013

Published : Thursday 05 December 2013
The economic complementarities and the geographic and cultural proximity between Europe and South and East Mediterranean Countries (SEMCs) offer opportunities that are to be seized together. In 2009, aiming to cooperate and exchange with authorities and policy-makers, IPEMED launched the Euro-Mediterranean Competitiveness Confederation (EMCC), a vast movement of Mediterranean business leaders.
EMCC brings together sector-leading economic actors in the Mediterranean, to speak as one, as cross-border investors and advocates for Euro-Mediterranean integration through cosourcing and coproduction, in a region which will count a billion inhabitants in 2050. 

The 2012 EMCC Forum exposed the principles of cosourcing, a concept based on the redistribution of production facilities and value chains on the regional scale. The 2013 Forum will be the opportunity to deepen the concept, especially through looking at perspectives in key sectors of Euro-Mediterranean integration and economic production.

Cosourcing, as developed by IPEMED, is reality for many sector-leading companies in the Mediterranean Basin. The aim of the 2013 EMCC Forum will be to question and deepen this innovative process, through thematic workshops, moderated by experts and the analysis of concrete cases of cosourcing, launched by entrepreneurs of the North and the South.

Informations and pre-registration


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