10 French and African business managers meet the President of the Republic in favour of a better regional integration

Published : Thursday 13 October 2016

The President of the Republic received a delegation of French and African business managers on Friday 7th October at 10 am.

All the hosts of the Head of State advocated for stronger economic bonds between Africa, France and Europe. The geographical and cultural proximity, the complementarity of our economies, the technological progress of Europe combined with the African dynamism are assets that we can take advantage of, together, to take up common challenges such as youth unemployment, the construction of a sustainable growth model, the organised and human management of migrations through industrial development and collective security.

This shared observation led to three main objectives: completing commercial exchanges through co-production in Africa and in Europe, promoting cross-investments and sharing expertise, future-oriented and value-chain technologies.

The idea of an international foundation Africa-Mediterranean-Europe, following the example of intercontinental initiatives between Americas on the one hand and between Asian countries on the other hand, was mentioned. This proposition of a foundation Africa-Mediterranean-Europe meets the declaration made in Malta on 11th and 12th November 2015: “Encouraging further strategic reflection in order to keep promoting a regional economic integration between European countries, Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries and Sub-Saharan countries”.

The President of the Republic thanked Xavier Beulin for taking the initiative of this meeting and asked him to gather the operational propositions for the Bamako Africa-France Summit.


Xavier Beulin
President of IPEMED Supervisory Board

Jean-Louis Guigou
President of IPEMED

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