The Lebanese Fadia Kiwan joins IPEMED PSC

Published : Monday 10 October 2016

IPEMED is happy to welcome Mrs Fadia Kiwan among the members of its Political Steering Committee (PSC).

Fadia Kiwan has a State PhD in Political Sciences of Paris I Sorbonne University and a teaching degree in philosophy and psychology of the U.L. Pedagogy Faculty. She is a professor of political sciences and the director of the Saint-Jospeh University Political Sciences Institute. Fadia Kiwan represents the Lebanese Republic in the Permanent Council of the Francophonie and Lebanon in the Arab Women Organisation.

Mrs Kiwan’s experience in Lebanese and international affairs will help IPEMED to better understand the region’s issues.

On 26 September 2016, when she came to Paris for a strategic meeting organised by Ipemed, Fadia Kiwan agreed to give us her opinion, in a short video, on the main challenges that Lebanon must take up and on its integration in the region.

According to Fadia Kiwan, in spite of the Syrian war and the blocking it causes in Lebanon, it is time for the country to think about preparing peace.

For more information, you can watch her interview here.

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