Connecting co-sourcing and co-production

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Published : Sunday 01 January 2012 - Jean-Louis Levet
Although situated at European level, it is important to point out that the EU’s industrial specialization in general (despite essentially depending on that of France and Germany) corresponds to the needs of southern Mediterranean economies: i.e. energy, the food industry, equipment goods, the car industry, pharmaceutical industry, fine chemicals, water treatment, engineering, public building works, services to business (logistics, maintenance, computer services, etc.) and ICT; i.e. their current requirements (health, accommodation, mobility, water, material and immaterial infrastructures, etc.).
EU investments in activities of the future, like the digital domain, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and renewable energy, can be useful for these countries in the long term, always with a partnership approach.
The strong points of European specialization could provide a hotbed for identifying potential industrial channels to build up and make the object of long-term partnerships.
In this perspective, co-sourcing boils down to co-production which, in both North and South, involves companies from the countries concerned. Co-sourcing and co-production are therefore connected.
The geographical and cultural proximity that comes from belonging to the same region fosters the interaction, short distribution channels, understanding and trust at the root of this new productive partnership.

Jean-Louis Levet, Economist.
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