A new vision of Africa : 10 years of IPEMED's reflection

Published : Friday 20 May 2016

IPEMED commits to the future with the project La Verticale Africa-Mediterranean-Europe. The foundation will be structured around several entities:

  • implementation of a network of think tanks with several entities. The political and intellectual body of the foundation, it will shed light on the ongoing heavy trends and favour those supporting integration;
  • the coordination of an international forum for business managers enabling them to talk to political decision-makers with one voice;
  • creation of a joint body gathering political personalities recognised in the three spaces. It will ensure the operational political support;
  • organisation of regular thematic seminars, taking advantage of IPEMED’s experience, to “intermingle” public, private and associative decision-makers;
  • implementation of a platform of references of Africa-Mediterranean-Europe economic integration enabling to share strategic information. The portal will also release the main results of the Foundation’s works.


“I would like [...] to express all my support for this initiative. The observation of the economic and social evolution of both continents shows how closely linked they are and how much a permanent strategic reflection framework is necessary to drive this evolution. ”

 Majhamadou Issoufou, President of the Republic of Niger


 “IPEMED has become a significant European actor focusing its efforts on a practical partnership approach towards the South of Europe, which has long been neglected by European policies. The Institute mostly focuses on the Mediterranean, a European “mare nostrum” just like the North Sea or the Baltic Sea, but it also focuses on Africa. These two regions are essential neighbours to Europe - a real neighbourhood policy should be implemented for these two areas, just like Europe did with its Eastern neighbours! 

Hence, the urgent call of IPEMED to the European institutions to draw up and implement without delay a practical partnership programme and policy with Southern Mediterranean countries that are being threatened by politico-religious extremism.

 Hence, my wish that IPEMED will also start reflecting upon a deep recast of the European development policy towards a coordinated, and even integrated, policy.

 IPEMED must progressively become a European representative, integrating its German neighbours in its reflections and approaches.”

 Joachim Bitterlich, Ret. ambassador, Former European, diplomatic and external security advisor to the Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Affiliate Professor at ESCP Europe Paris, Member of IPEMED's PSC


 “As we have seen over the last few years, the construction of great economic regions is a positive element of the increasing interconnection among peoples and States. The historic examples of the European Union and other great regional organisations are proof. First, because they foster the development of communities inclusive and respectful of individuals, so long as the States and their institutions make sure to regulate and harmonise this development. Then, because by favouring the exchange of goods and services, they reject ideological religious obscurantisms that remain the most serious threats of the common good.

 This is why the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie (APF), involved for almost fifty years in the encounters between people via the encounter of their legitimate representatives, believes that there is a real convergence of interests between Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries.

 Of course there are political interests, as history keeps showing us. But there are also great economic and commercial interests. The Mediterranean World Economic Foresight Institute (IPEMED) is not only willing to remind us of these interests, but also to support them via practical initiatives such as the co-development of agricultural sectors, or the implementation of an integrated financial system. Therefore, the partnership between AFP and IPEMED was natural and profitable.

 This partnership is relevant because it could strengthen one the of most ambitious programmes of IPEMED, La Verticale Africa-Mediterranean-Europe (AME) via parliamentarism. Mr Jean-Louis Guigou managed to gather within the same project and for the same purpose, various partners working towards synergy and complementarity.

 La Verticale AME relies on strong and innovative ideas of endogenous and inclusive development, land planning, promotion of social and solidarity economy on the one hand, and on practical actions having consequences on the daily life of the concerned populations on the other hand. APF can and wants to contribute to the implementation of consistent and profitable initiatives for the good of the populations of the francophone space, and of African, Mediterranean and European peoples.

 Pascal Terrasse, Parliamentary Secretary General of the APF and a Member of Parliament (France)


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