Eric Diamantis : President of the endowment fund of La Verticale

Published : Friday 01 January 2016

Press release
Eric Diamantis appointed as President of the international foundation “La Verticale” endowment fund


The project of creation of an international foundation “La Verticale Africa - Mediterranean - Europe (AME)”, carried out by IPEMED’s President Jean-Louis Guigou just took a major step forward.

Firstly, at the political level, since the Summit of Heads of States EU-EA, held in Malta on 11 and 12 November 2015, decided to “go on with the strategic reflection in order to keep promoting a regional economic integration among European countries, Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries and Sub-Saharan countries.” Besides, Jean-Louis Guigou, IPEMED’s President, met the representatives of the European Commission and received written support of Issoufou Mahamadou, Niger’s President.

Secondly, at the operational level, since the endowment fund of “La Verticale AME” was created and the first meeting of the Executive Board was held on 16 December and appointed Eric Diamantis, IPEMED’s Vice-President, as its President. A recipient account was opened at the French Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC). 

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