Plenary meeting – regional scenarios and on going political transitions

Published : Thursday 17 March 2011
On 17 March 2011, a plenary meteing of the "Mediterranean 2030" consortium was held at the conference centre of Hôtel Marriott in Paris. In this meeting, Euro-Mediterranean organisations (FEMISE, CIHEAM, OME) presented the results of their sectorial reflection as well as sectorial scenarios : growth, energy, migration, food security and agriculture, employment.

The meeting trya to respond to two main objectives :

-          To examine the nature of political transitions underway in the Arab world, their magnitude, and their fate, and trace the outlines of a new political economy,

-          To present and re-read the work carried forward over 2 years in the light of these events; find ways to amend them based on these new issues while keeping in mind the strength of the invariants (migration, environment, energy, agriculture low-lying structural areas).

Several roundtables were also organized takling different issues : the political transition in Arab countries and its impact on growth scenarios, how to reconcile economics and politics and develop future scenarios and how integrate political transition in “Mediterranean 2030” global scenarios.

The publication of the final results of the Mediterranean 2030 consortium will be ready for the second half of 2011.

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