Encouraging the development of a transport system based of multi- and inter-modality in the Mediterranean

The approach of transports according to a multimodal and complementarity logic remains under-developed in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries (SEMC) but also in South/South exchanges.

With maritime transport accounting for more than 95% of exchanges of goods in the Mediterranean, IPEMED’s reflection first focused on “sea motorways”, which was the object of a note by Maxime Weigert and Marc Abeille. Nevertheless, aware of the development potential of a multimodal transport system, the Institute decided to focus, in 2014, on the monographic analysis of railway networks in the three North-African countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia). This study, carried out by Kamel Ben Amor, provides tangible recommendations aiming at improving national networks, adapting them to their needs and markets, and developing their cooperation for a greater North-African integration.

The 2015 work programme consists in studying, along with concerned actors, the possibility to make of railway transport the backbone of North-African and Euro-Mediterranean integration. 

12 November 2014: Exchange seminar, in partnership with SNCF, SNCFT and EuroMed RRU - Road, Rail and Urban transport project, under the auspices of the Tunisian Ministry of Transports.