N°1 > Trans-Mediterranean professional networks

- Amal Chevreau et Maxime Weiger
- Key words : Enjeux, Maroc, Espagne, réseau électrique (en),


Since the launch of the Barcelona process in 1995 and partly thanks to it, a great number of civil society initiatives have been weaving trans-Mediterranean networks of all types of cooperation and solidarity in the majority of economic, social and cultural domains.

These networks, which are just as likely to involve local authorities as they are professional sectorial groups, are driven by members’ common interest to organize their activity at a regional scale, outside the state’s field of action. To a certain extent, their behaviour fits in with a tradition that has existed for centuries in the Mediterranean, i.e. to organize space through exchanges.

Yet today, due to insufficient political impetus, these prolific initiatives remain dispersed and their intentions largely ignored by public authorities responsible for regionalization. Largely unrecognized by European institutions, the networks build up separately, rarely know about each other and never work together.

Nevertheless, if better exploited, the regulating potential of these networks, which complements rather than competes with public authorities, would help bring the two sides closer much faster.

The authors :

Amal Chevreau, Project Manager at IPEMED, legal practitioner in public law Maxime Weigert, Research Officer at Ipemed, PhD student in tourism geography (Paris 1 University)


  • Professional networks, tools of international regulation
  • Integration by networks in the Baltic region
  • Networks and the EU : limits of the top-down vision
  • The dynamic civil euromediterranean society
  • The Euromed Postal network
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