IPEMED - Activity report 2018

Published : Monday 24 June 2019 - IPEMED


Since 2006, Institut de Prospective Économique du Monde Méditerranéen (IPEMED) works on the convergence of the African and European continents, through the vision of a pivotal Mediterranean Sea in the economic development of its two shores.

In the academic field, the year 2018 has marked the completion of the study on « the funding of microenterprises/SMEs », as well as the launch of the Euro-mediterranean WABA project.

In terms of events, IPEMED keeps working on promoting a stronger cooperation between regional actors, notably by participating in the World Water Forum, held in Brasilia between the 18th and the 23rd of March. In its effort to mobilize all actors involved in the stimulation of African entrepreneurship, IPEMED launched a partnership with the Forum des Diasporas africaines in its first edition.

The year 2018 was also characterized by major breakthroughs in La Verticale’s governance and action plans. This foundation aims to go along the heavy trends of global economy by supporting the creation of an integrated Africa-Mediterranean-Europe axis, capable of challenging China’s ambitions.

You can find out more about our activities, publications and notable events in the 2018 annual report !



A word from the President

2018 in a nutshell


Our field of reflection

  • Coproduction and industrialisation
  • Agriculture and agribusiness
  • Water
  • Prospective
  • Other topics

The AME-Verticale foundation

Our visibility

Our operation mode

Our members and partners


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