2006-2016 : Building the Mediterranean of tomorrow

Published : Friday 20 May 2016

For 10 years, IPEMED has been working in order to think and to build the Mediterranean of tomorrow:

  • by defending strong convictions: foresight, general interest and the capital logic;
  • by mobilizing intelligence and passion within a network of experts and by working with its member companies and its partners;
  • by developing its reflection on regional integration in 12 thematic sectors ;
  • by looking at the future through the project of foundation La Verticale; 
  • by producing rich reports containing concrete recommendations; 
  • by organizing events to open up ideas;
  • by being present in the national and regional media;
  • by mobilizing an international team of men and women enthusiasts.

This report draws, in a very illustrated way, 10 years of reflection and action in the service of the euro-Mediterranean regional integration.

Good reading!



A word from the Founders

A word from the Presidents

10 years at the service of regional integration

Deeply integrating the EuroMed region: the 2006-2016 project

IPEMED, Ideas to take action

Making a deep Euro-Mediterranean integration possible

Convergence through coproduction

A regional energy partnership around a Mediterranean Energy Community

Addressing the water challenge via a Mediterranean Water Agency

Food safety and sustainable development : the necessity of a common policy

Promoting funding and security in investments

Supporting Social and solidarity economy for the benefit of populations

Boosting Euro-Mediterranean economic mobility

Health, a new common challenge, at the top of the Euro-Mediterranean political agenda

What Euro-Mediterranean policy to support digitalisation?

Liberating the region’s growth potential via an integrated transports system

Towards a sustainable and inclusive tourism model

An international network with a large base of subscribers and partners

IPEMED, working alongside Mediterranean actors

Events to foster ideas

IPEMED, actor of regional integration

In the media and on the web

Via its publications

Via its network of experts

Via its network of member companies

IPEMED, the think tank

An innovative and participatory Institute

Joint bodies for a plural governance

From a marginal to a central Mediterranean : year 1 of La Verticale

La Verticale AME

A new vision of Africa : testimonies of actors


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